Chicago Construction News staff writer
Eight major projects in DuPage County worth more than $37 million are underway or planned to begin, funded by the Rebuild Illinois capital plan that is entering its fourth year.
“We are restoring and transforming Illinois’ aging infrastructure,” Gov. JB Pritzker said in a statement. “Rebuild Illinois is not only about investing in infrastructure but about investing in people and communities as well. In the coming months, IDOT will undertake projects that will ultimately create safer roads and bridges and provide jobs in DuPage County and across the entire state.”
Since mid-August, Pritzker and the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) have announced $106 million in capital grants to revitalize 50 commercial corridors and main streets throughout Illinois. Alton, Edwardsville, Collinsville, and Carrollton are among the cities to receive funds.
AltonWorks will receive $3 million to restore historic buildings for the Wedge Innovation Center incubator. The City of Collinsville will receive $1.9 million for the St. Louis Road and Collinsville Road corridor initiative. The City of Edwardsville was awarded $2.9 million for water/sewer and streetscape improvements on Main Street. The City of Carrollton also will receive $1.9 million for Courthouse Square improvements.
DuPage County projects include:
- Interstate 55 North Frontage Road from Kingery Highway (Illinois 83) to Elm Street: resurfacing and installing ADA-compliant sidewalk ramps – began this summer and is anticipated to be completed in fall.
- North Avenue (Illinois 64) at Interstate 355: bridge deck and joint repairs, replacing deteriorated curbs, new deck overlay and approaches – anticipated to be completed this fall.
- Butterfield Road (Illinois 56) over Interstate 355: new deck overlay and joint repairs -anticipated to begin this fall and be completed late 2023.
- Illinois 53 at Great Western Trail south of North Avenue (Illinois 64): new bridge deck installation, bridge beam replacement and repair – anticipated to begin next spring and estimated to be completed late next summer.
- Interstate 55 from Weber Road to Willow Springs Road: crack and joint sealing-anticipated to begin next spring and estimated to be completed late 2023.
- Irving Park Road (Illinois 19) west of Mitchell Boulevard to Roselle Road: resurfacing, building new shoulders and installing ADA-compliant sidewalk ramps – anticipated to begin summer 2023 and estimated to be completed late fall 2023.
- Irving Park Road (Illinois 19) from Roselle Road to Baker Drive: resurfacing, building new shoulders and installing ADA-compliant sidewalk ramps – anticipated to begin summer 2023 and estimated to be completed fall 2023.
- Illinois 56 from just west of Illinois 53 to southbound I-355 ramp and at Illinois 53: intersection reconstruction, bridge repairs, noise barrier installation, new retaining wall and ADA-compliant sidewalk ramps – to begin summer 2025 and be completed fall 2025.
“These projects represent another year that IDOT will be making transformational investments in DuPage County and all across the state,” said Illinois Transportation Secretary Omer Osman. “Please, pardon our dust while we Rebuild Illinois. When approaching and driving through any work zone, expect the unexpected and give workers a brake. Stay patient, put down the devices and slow down.”