Chicagoland Associated General Contractors to replace BA, FVAGC on Jan. 1

CAGC Chicagoland
Logo for the new Chicagoland Associated General Contractors, which will replace the BA and FVAGC on Jan. 1, 2018.

The Builders Association (BA) and the Fox Valley Associated General Contractors (FVAGC) have voted to merge, and the combined association will be named Chicagoland Associated General Contractors.

The new association will launch on Jan. 1, 2018, following a vote from the membership on Sept. 18.

“The two executive committees will meet to discuss nominees for the Board of Directors,” FVAGC said in an announcement. “The staff of both associations will start combining information and looking for volunteers for committees.”

The BA, which says it has served as a resource for Chicagoland’s construction industry firms since 1906, and has done so as a chapter of the AGC of America since 1918, published draft text of the new group’s bylaws in August, which can be viewed here.

The association’s dues will be:

General contractors

Under $2 million         $1,200

$2 – $4.99 million        $2,000

$5 – $9.99 million        $4,000

$10 – $14.99 million     $5,000

$15 – $19.99 million     $5,500

$20 – $29.99 million     $6,000

$30 – $44.99 million     $6,500

$45 – $99.99 million     $8,000

Over $100 million        $9,000

Subcontractor member – $1,000

Affiliate members – $800



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