Village of Dixmoor receives $14 million for water distribution system


Chicago Construction News staff writer

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency has announced a total of $14 million in funding to the Village of Dixmoor. A $10 million grant, made available through the Rebuild Illinois Capital Plan, will provide for construction improvements to rehabilitate the water distribution system, and restore reliable potable water within the Village. An additional $4 million in funding is being provided to the Village for lead service line replacement through Illinois EPA’s State Revolving Fund (SRF) loan program.

“The Village of Dixmoor has been faced with the costly challenge of repairing their aging and deteriorating drinking water infrastructure,” said Director John Kim. “With no repayment required from the Village, these funds will allow for the rehabilitation of the existing water distribution system to provide a reliable drinking water source to residents and proactively remove the public health threat caused by lead service lines within the community.”

The project will include:

  • upgrading the existing ground storage reservoir
  • constructing a new 750,000-gallon elevated storage tank
  • comprehensive village-wide water meter replacement program
  • replacing 40 water valves and 12 fire hydrants
  • replacing about 10,500 feet of six and 8 inch arterial water main with a more robust 12″ main.

“Dixmoor has been through a lot but there is finally some light at the end of the tunnel,” said Mayor Fitzgerald Roberts. “We are closer than ever to finally resolving the water issues that have plagued our community for far too long. I am grateful and humbled by the support Dixmoor has received.”

Also, an additional $4 million in funding was announced from the Illinois EPA’s State Revolving Fund (SRF) for the replacement of an estimated 312 lead service lines within the community.


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