SMPS Chicago: Talking trends — Adaptive reuse and the Chicago marketplace

smps adaptive

SMPS Chicago is presenting a six-person panel on “Talking Trends: Adaptive Reuse and the Chicago Marketplace” which focuses on repurposing, reusing and revitalizing office space, residential, retail, restaurant, and entertainment space while maintaining signature character and presence on Wednesday, March. 10, 2016 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at Petterinos, 150 N. Dearborn.

Owners, developers and other building professionals will find this program interesting as it includes best practices, future trends, and lessons learned to optimize your efforts, says a SMPS Chicago news release.

Registration is $50 for members and $95 for non-members.

For more information and to register for the program, go to

The moderator and panelists are:


Amy Lamb Woods, Simpson Gumpertz & Heger, Senior Staff II – Building Technology


  • Alan Bombick, Legat Architects principal and director of commercial/mixed use practice
  • Steve Nargang, Gage Consulting Engineers vice-president and director of development
  • Robert Svoboda, Jr.,  CCS technical services director
  • Lou Reiner, W.E. O’Neil Construction senior vice-president of operations, project executive
  • Bill Dvorak, MedProperties group director, development services

The event sponsor is Legat Architects.

SMPS Chicago is the local chapter of the national organization of the Society for Marketing Professional Services
(SMPS). As one the largest SMPS chapters, it has more than 230 members representing the top contractors, architects, engineers, and specialty consulting firms in the Midwest.


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