New wastewater infrastructure projects getting $21 million

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Chicago Construction News staff writer

The Illinois Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced $21 million in grants to six communities through Illinois EPA’s Unsewered Communities Construction Grant Program (UCCGP). Funding will allow underserved communities to construct dependable wastewater collection and/or treatment systems.

“No community should be forced to function without a high quality water infrastructure system,” Gov. JB Pritzker said in a statement. “The historic Rebuild Illinois capital plan is ushering our state’s wastewater infrastructure into the 21st Century, providing solutions that work for everyone.”

This is the second of five funding rounds for this program that is expected to provide $100 million to areas where there are currently no wastewater collection and/or treatment facilities.

Communities that are receiving UCCGP Grants include:

  • Village of Braceville in Will County will receive $4 million to abandon about 315 septic tanks and instal a low-pressure sanitary sewer collection system that will pump sewage to the wastewater treatment plant located in nearby Diamond.
  • Village of Buckley in Iroquois County will receive $5 million to constuct a new sanitary sewer system that will include sanitary sewer, two pump stations, and sanitary sewer force main.
  • City of Grand Tower in Jackson County will receive $1.1 million to install sanitary sewers, sanitary sewer force main, 16 manholes, 15 service connections, and a pump station along Grand Tower Road and Route 3.
  • Village of Lisbon in Kendall County will receive $5 million to extend sewer service to all 103 residences. The project will also include gravity sanitary sewer along with seven lift stations and force main. In addition, there will be two additional primary settling tanks and a tertiary treatment system constructed at the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). Lisbon has an existing WWTP that was constructed in 2013; however, due to lack of funding, they were not able to install any sewers or commence plant operations.
  • Village of Rutland in LaSalle County will receive $5 million to connect 143 customers to the new collection system and treatment plant. The new sanitary sewer collection system will include two lift stations with stand-by power generators. The new treatment system will include an aerated lagoon with a third stage filter.
  • City of Streator in LaSalle and Livingston counties will receive $954,525 to extend sewer service to the Liz Mar East Addition subdivision. The project will extend sanitary sewer from an existing sanitary sewer main located on Main Street. The project will consist of sanitary sewer and eight sanitary manholes.

For more information about the Unsewered Communities Construction and Planning Grant Programs, visit


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