Libertyville road to get streetscape improvements


Streetscape improvement near Route 21 is next in line as part of an ongoing streetscape development project along Peterson Rd. in Libertyville, IL. The $25,000 investment plan is awaiting approval from the Illinois Department of Transportation and local authority.

Upon approval, roughly 15 trees, 100 shrubs and 400 perennials will be planted, having been determined based on their color and tolerance to snow and salt, said Libertyville economic development coordinator Heather Rowe, reports

“We’re trying to add some attraction to the corridor for those who commute and frequent the businesses,” said Rowe. Responding to business and property owners’ interest, the village has invested around $50,000 in last two years to landscape development and tree-planting for beautification along Peterson Road.

Until now, at the west end of Peterson Road, beds and shrubs were planted on the south side adjacent to the Butterfield Square shopping center, and trees were planted on the north side adjacent to Libertyville Manor.

The $23 million project to widen the intersection at Peterson Rd. as well as Milwaukee Ave. on both sides, which took two construction seasons before its recent completion, has hampered business there.

According to Heather Rowe, the exact location for planting will be determined according to right-of-way availability, though planting is expected in a radius of about two blocks west of the intersection, and should commence this fall or early next spring.


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