In-person STEM events return with Illinois Tech’s annual Block City on July 31

EARTHGQUAKE SIMULATION taken at the annual IIT STEM EXPO courtesy of Bob Johnson.

Initiatives to encourage young people to consider careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), disrupted by the pandemic, are returning to in-person format.

Notably, Illinois Tech’s annual Block City event returns on Saturday, July 31. The program “will feature children and families building a city of LEGOs with more than 40,000 LEGO bricks that will span the floor of the iconic S.R. Crown Hall on the Illinois Tech campus in Chicago’s Bronzeville neighborhood,” organizers say in an announcement statement.The event will take place Saturday, July 31, 2021.

The Structural Engineering Association of Illinois (SEAOI) plans to have an ‘Earthquake Shake Table” on display.

The program runs from 9 Noon or 1 to 4 p.m. at 3360 S. State St.

block city

Registration for the morning or afternoon session is available at this link.

Free parking will be available throughout campus. Parents must accompany their children and complete a participation waiver. Hand sanitizer will be provided.

Meanwhile, the Illinois Tech 38th Annual STEM Expo will take place at the Rice Campus in Wheaton on Saturday, Feb. 26, 2022. The in-person event focuses on hands-on and interactive exploration into STEM learning.


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