3rd annual construction expo attracts more than 325 participants

CISCO Construction Expo images

More than 325 students and adults attended the third annual Construction Expo as Construction Industry Service Corp. (CISCO), St. Paul Community Development Ministries (SPCDM), the Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools  joined forces to showcase careers in the construction industry, CISCO’s newsletter reports.

With 19 different construction trades represented, participants had the opportunity to talk to a variety of apprenticeship coordinators and instructors, as well as take part in exercises that the men and women of the trades perform on a day-to-day basis.

“The event was a united effort of organized labor, union contractors, faith and community organizations all coming together to provide young men and women the chance to learn about union construction apprentice programs, that could eventually lead to a lifetime career,” said CISCO executive director Dan Allen.

“The event also helped demonstrate the opportunities that are available to minorities in Chicago and the surrounding area,” he said. “We need to continue to promote the fact that the union trades in the Chicago area are open to minorities and women, and are accessible to any qualified person.”

For more information about the skilled union trades, contact Johnetta Ryan, CISCO’s education-to-careers Director at (630) 472-9411.

Construction expo images from the CISCO newsletter


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