Southwestern Illinois College announces new technology building on Red Bud Campus


Chicago Construction News staff writer

Southwestern Illinois College (SWIC) has announced the expansion of Career Technology Education (CTE) programming at the Red Bud campus and construction of a new seven 7,800-sq. ft. building.

The expansion to the Red Bud Campus will improve educational opportunities at the campus and the region, with modern facilities for workforce training.

Planned programming for the new facility will include the expansion of previously established programming such as Allied Health, welding, plumbing, and construction management while also offering a facility that is adaptable to new and transfer programs.

The Board of Trustees  approved a contract with Farnsworth Group for architectural services and with Holland Construction for preconstruction work for the project.

SWIC is making a financial commitment of $5.5 million, with funding from Series 2023 Bond proceeds sold in December 2023. Construction is expected to be completed by Spring 2026, weather permitting.

“I am thrilled to see the growth on Red Bud’s campus and am proud of SWIC’s commitment to accessibility and transportation,” said SWIC Board member Tracy Vallett. “The opening of this new facility will provide a local option for quality education in trades and transfer programs. With the expansion of previously established programming to our southern district students, we will now be able to serve traditional and non-traditional students with training and education that helps them enter the workforce faster.”


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