Illinois Housing Development Authority creating 172 units of permanent supportive housing in nine communities


The Illinois Housing Development Authority will fund 172 units of permanent supportive housing communities in nine locations across the state.  IHDA, through the Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) Development Program, will be financing the construction and preservation of affordable housing throughout Illinois. The housing locations will be located in Chicago, Collinsville, Deerfield, Matteson, Maywood, Peoria, and West Chicago. The housing communities will be serving the special needs populations and persons with disabilities, including residents who are transitioning out of nursing homes and into community living.

Low-income individuals and families with disabilities experiencing homelessness and other vulnerable populations seeking help maintaining stable housing from IHDA are given funding awards based on the applicant’s score. The supportive housing combines permanent and accessible housing with supportive services appropriate to the needs and preferences of residents, including case management, health services and referrals, and employment resources.

Below are nine locations receiving funding to create or restore units IHDA:

Englewood Family Housing (Chicago): Once a resident for survivors of domestic abuse, IHDA will be restoring these into 13 apartments offering services designed to help families achieve better health outcomes.

Ogden Park Apartments (Chicago): IHDA will help restore 25 units of supportive housing in West Englewood’s former St. Brendan’s Parish convent. Supportive services will be provided onsite for persons with special needs.

Lazarus Apartments (Chicago): IHDA will help renovate a three-story, 15-unit building in the Lawndale community that is currently vacant and in need of repair. The renovated building will be reserved entirely for supportive housing populations who will have access to educational opportunities, job readiness programs, and technology access and training.

Morrison Manor (Collinsville): IHDA will fund the rehabilitation of a 22 unit supportive housing in Madison County. Residents will have access to services provided by Chestnut Health Systems and the Veterans Assistance Commission of Madison County.

Zion Woods (Deerfield): On vacant land donated by Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, IHDA financing will help create a new 25-unit development. It will consist of 13 units of supportive housing and 12 units of affordable workforce housing.

Mustacchi Manor (Matteson): IHDA will help fund the creation of a 16-unit supportive housing development designed to accommodate residents with physical disabilities. Residents will also receive case management and service coordination.

Access Health & Housing (Maywood): IHDA will support the construction of 20 units in nine new buildings on vacant land acquired from the Village of Maywood and the Cook County Land Bank. The development will serve residents transitioning out of nursing care facilities into community-based housing.

Madison Apartments II (Peoria): IHDA financing will support the construction of 24 new supportive housing units for residents who are at-risk of homelessness also with providing supportive services.

Main Street Lofts (West Chicago): IHDA will help the construction of a four-story, 24-unit. Services addressing the unique needs of individuals living in the units will be provided onsite.

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