Open – Bids/Quotes/Tenders
Public Sector
Project/Bid No. 14-0104A
DataBid ID 0056021715
Project Location
40W250 LaFox Rd., Campton Hills IL (Kane)
Project Class Heavy/Civil Industry Heavy/Highway/Utilities Trade Storage Tanks
Bids Due Oct. 12, 2015 11:00 AM – Finance Office
Rebid of March 18, 2015
Bids Due To Wasco Sanitary District
Prebid Date/Time Sept. 16, 2015 11:00 AM
Prebid Location Site – Water Tower
Estimated Cost Estimate Not Available
Detail of Services
Painting and maintenance of the existing 400,000 gallon elevated water storage tank in Wasco, Illinois will be received by the Wasco Sanitary District for performing work including:
- Abrasive blast and recoat the tank exterior including the setup of containment for blast residual.
- Abrasive blast clean the topsides of the platforms, 1 foot up the walls, the riser stiffeners, and the other areas of failed coating on the dry interior and apply an epoxy system to all prepared surfaces.
- Abrasive blast and recoat the wet tank interior.
- Removal and replacement of the cathodic protection system.
- Repair areas of missing grout between the tank’s base-plate and the foundation.
- Install a screened flap gate on the end of the overflow pipe.
- Replace the existing access tube gap screen.
- Install a mud valve in the wet interior to aid with removal of sediment and draining of the tank.
- Temporary Hydropneumatic Operating System including tanks and storage while tank is off-line.
- Temporary Tank Storage for lire protection purposes.
Bid Bond 5 %
Project/Document Info Wasco Sanitary District – Document Availability
Document Questions Greg Chismark , WBK Associates, Also Available From gc*******@wb************.com
Divisions of work
Division 02 – Existing Conditions Existing Conditions
Division 03 – Concrete Concrete
Division 09 – Finishes Finishes, Painting and Coating
Division 33 – Utilities Utilities, Water Utility Storage Tanks
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