DataBid project of the week: Elk Grove PD 2015 Rainbow Falls Water Park Funhouse Renovation

rainbow park elk grove
rainbow park funhouse

Open – Bids/Quotes/Tenders: Public

DataBid ID: 0076072315

Project Location: 200 Reverend Morrison Blvd,  Elk Grove IL (Cook)

Project Class: Heavy/Civil

Industry: Leisure/Recreation

Trade: Community/Rec Centre

Construction Type: Renovation

Bids Due: August 27, 2015 2:00 PM –
Administration Building, Attention: Ben Curcio, Director of Parks and Planning, bids will be opened at that time

Bids Due To: Elk Grove Park District

Estimated Cost Estimate: Not Available

Detail of Services
Rainbow Falls Water Park Funhouse Renovation


Contact Guy Johnson, Facility Maintenance Supervisor, Phone: 847-228-3532

Brad Anderson, Facilities Maintenance Supervisor, Phone: (630) 993-8188, ba*******@ep*.org

Joe Palmisano, Construction/Special Project Crew Leader, Elk Grove Park District, Phone: 847-690-1424

Bid Bond: 10%
Performance: 100 %
Payment:100 %

Project/Document Info: Elk Grove Park District – Administration Building

Division 06 – Wood, Plastics and Composites
Division 09 – Finishes
Division 26 – Electrical


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