SXU receives $2.2 million funding for Science Building restoration

sfx science labs

Illinois will fund $2,280,092 for additional science labs at Chicago’s St. Xavier University. The funding is part of the “Illinois Jobs Now!” construction program to provide for the state’s private colleges and universities.

“This investment will help the school stay competitive so current and future students can continue to make a difference in the world,” governor Pat Quinn said. “We are pleased to help Saint Xavier address its needs while creating jobs and moving our economy forward.”

The money will be used to construct additional chemistry and biology labs and also includes creating “innovative learning environments designed to foster creativity and collaboration that introduce students to new laboratory techniques, experimental design opportunities, and statistical analysis,” an Illinois state news release reports.

“We are so grateful to Governor Quinn for investing in the development of a state-of-the-art science facility that will help us prepare our diverse community of students for 21st century careers,” said SXU president Christine Wiseman.

SXU has received more than $8.6 million in total from the state so far, making the total investment on private universities and colleges under the “Illinois Job Now!” program $300 million. Illinois has reserved $100 million for this fiscal year’s capital construction program.



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