Rose Paving provides reliable nationwide parking lot maintenance services


Chicago Construction News special feature

Since its beginnings in 1974, Rose Paving has understood that preventative maintenance and long-term relationships are vital to the success of the company and its clients. Today the business based in Bridgeview, IL, also has strategic business units in Atlanta, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, and Tampa.

Rose Paving’s history of growth, both in services and its capacity to serve its clients, began in its earliest days as the company expanded its initial services to include sealcoating, concrete repair and cracksealing. By 2002 the company had added a national focus, with a dedicated national sales team focused on clients with properties in multiple locations.

Another focus has been growing the company’s reach, both through partnerships with other providers in areas Rose Paving does not reach, and through acquisition. This explains how the company built its relationships and business in Florida.

“Rose Paving had a relationship with DuraSeal Asphalt and Paving, a company that had been active in Tampa for more than 30 years,” says Eric Keller, director of sales – Tampa. Then, two years ago, Rose Paving acquired the company. “DuraSeal had a similar approach and similar services so we now serve the Florida market, and their customers, as they would have done but backed as well by our own solutions and services.”

Keller says Rose Paving is one of only a few in the industry providing customers with national support, managing and servicing lots and parking spaces across the country. “Where we don’t have our own branches, relationships with companies like DuraSeal allow us to serve our own clients in more regions, and provide future opportunities to serve new clients.”

Among Rose Paving’s solutions are preventative maintenance, structural maintenance, pavement management, site evaluation and consulting, all of which support property owners, building managers and tenants.

Keller says a preventative maintenance solution is the most cost-effective way to maximize pavement life and one of the ways Rose Paving develops and maintains long-term relationships with clients. “We do an initial site inspection and grade the pavement on a scale of A through F. Then we can recommend, according to the client’s budget, initial repairs that may be required, and a longer-term solution covering a number of years that will maximize the life of the area and minimize risk.”

Recommended services may include pothole fill, infrared repair, cracksealing or sealcoating. Rose Paving can also provide pavement marking and storm basin/ drainage services.

Beyond Rose Paving’s solid history in the industry is a solid reputation backed by strong client relationships and customer support. Keller says that means working closely with clients to ensure solutions and services can be provided in the best and least intrusive way. “We can provide notice of work to tenants, set up alternate temporary parking and provide shuttle service to and from if that parking is away from the site.”

He says the company also ensures service by working after hours, on weekends and in staged progress to keep parking spaces open.

Safety is another focus of Rose Paving and applies to staff and the public. Keller says staff are easily identified by safety clothing and precautions including signage and barriers where appropriate are regularly used.

All of these project supports and customer convenience options are delivered through a specifically assigned project manager. “Each project is assigned a dedicated project manager who works with the client from preplanning through every stage of the work and to final sign off. This gives the client one point of contact, one person who is responsible to them.”

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