Champaign seeks engineering firms for bridge inspection and structural services


Chicago Construction News staff writer

The City of Champaign is inviting Letters of Interest (LOIs) for professional engineering services focused on bridge inspections and related structural engineering tasks. This selection process will follow a qualification-based approach as outlined in City Administrative Policy 2.08. The selected services will span two inspection cycles from Spring 2025 to Fall 2028.

Core services required:

  • Design and construction services for the replacement of the Duncan Road bridge over the Copper Slough, situated just south of Springfield Avenue. Design work is planned for fiscal year 2025, with construction funding allocated for fiscal year 2026. The city aims to initiate the design phase this fall or winter.
  • Program management for NBIS: Serve as program manager for the National Bridge Inspection Standards (NBIS) Program, conducting biennial inspections for approximately 19 structures.
  • On-call structural engineering: Provide on-demand structural engineering support related to both the City’s transportation infrastructure and its owned buildings.
  • Inspections of Non-NBI Structures: Conduct inspections for the City’s non-NBI structures and culverts, offering maintenance recommendations once during the selection cycle.

Additional services may include updating the bridge management database as necessary, assisting staff in identifying and prioritizing bridge repairs based on inspection findings and providing cost estimates, design, and construction engineering services for future bridge maintenance or rehabilitation projects.

City staff will evaluate all submitted LOIs and interview the firms that best meet its requirements.


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