SMPS Chicago event: Influence — The Art and Science

SMPS chicago event

The Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) Chicago chapter is hosting a program: Influence: The Art and Science, featuring four SMPS national presidents, to tackle the challenge of relationships, negotiating and influence.

The May 10 program at Petterino’s, 150 North Dearborn St., will cover these topics:

  1. Power of Influence Within your Personal Career – Influence is the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone. Over the course of a career, marketers and business developers learn to use persuasion, positive reinforcement, mentoring, training, and a host of other soft skills to impact their firm’s success.
  2. Negotiating Skills – Negotiation is about relationships. By developing and maintaining a good rapport with all the players, everyone can win. In the end, you are forging mutual, agreeable terms as well as forming long term relationships.
  3. Persuasion – To be able to influence others, one must be able to persuade someone to see their point of view. Persuasion is an important part of becoming influential.
  4. The Win-Win Result – When the result is a win for all parties involved even when they desired result is not achieved.

The speakers include: Craig Galati, current SMPS national president; Carolyn Ferguson, 2010-2011 national president, current president of the SMPS Foundation board; Brad Thurman, 2013-2014 SMPS national president; and Barbara Shuck, 2014-2015 SMPS national president.

Tickets are $75.00 for members and $120.00 for non members. You can register here.


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