Schiff Hardin grants annual award to University of Illinois at Chicago student

Devon Morris

Schiff Hardin LLP says that Devon Morris, a graduate student in the School of Architecture at the University of Illinois at Chicago, will receive this year’s Schiff Hardin Construction Law Group Award. The annual $1,000 award is presented to the student with the highest marks in the construction law class (ARCH 544 Professional Practice) taught by Michael J. Hanahan, a partner in the firm’s construction practice.

“Twenty-three years ago, my colleague Mark Friedlander instituted the award when he began teaching at the University of Illinois at Chicago in the early 1990s,” Hanahan said in a news release. “Mark wanted to give back to the community by gifting $1,000 to the student with the highest grade in the class from the stipend he was to receive for teaching the course. I’m proud to continue with that tradition of awarding $1,000 to this year’s recipient, Devon Morris.”

The award  is given to the top performer in the construction law class, determined after mid-term and final exams are scored each spring. It will be presented on Friday, May 6, at the School of Architecture’s annual Year End Show where students and faculty celebrate the best design work produced at all levels of the graduate and undergraduate programs throughout the 2015–16 academic year, including the top performing student from the class.

Hanahan has taught as an adjunct professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago for five years.

Morris has also been named the recipient of the 2016 Martin Roche Travel Scholarship given by the AIA Chicago Foundation. Morris will be traveling to Myanmar to research and document the informal dwellings that occupy Yangon’s historic buildings. This marks the fourth consecutive year that a UIC student has won the Martin Roche Scholarship.

Image from Devon Morris’s Facebook page


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