DataBid projects of the week: Jan. 3 to 9

databid top projects

Here’s a list of DataBid’s most viewed commercial construction projects in northern Illinois entered for the week of Jan. 3 to 9. To view the complete details of these new projects or from our extensive database of more than 100,000 construction leads click here.

Webster Avenue Bridge over North Branch Chicago River

Location: Chicago

Stage: Bids due Feb. 17

Glenabard SD 87 2021 capital improvements project

Location: Glen Ellyn

Stage: Bids due Feb. 5

Bartlett West Bartlett drainage improvements non MFT

Location: Bartlett

Stage: Bids due Feb. 3

CPS Dirkson Elementary School ventilator and condensing unit

Location: Chicago

Stage: Bids due Feb. 2

Pierce Downer Elementary School mechanical upgrades

Location: Downers Grove

Stage: Bids due Jan. 28


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