Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) recipients announced


Chicago Construction News staff writer

The recipients for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) for public infrastructure and housing rehabilitation were announced last week and $56.9 million will be awarded for 54 housing rehabilitation projects. Work will include critical repairs to water, sewer, and drainage infrastructure to enhance safety.

“Communities in every corner of the state should have access to resources to keep Illinois families safe and healthy with a proper roof over their heads,” said DCEO Director Kristin Richards. “The Community Development Block Grants will provide critical assistance to rehabilitate dozens of homes and improve infrastructure in the areas that need it the most without placing the sole burden of funding costly projects on local entities.”

“Every Illinoisan deserves access to safe drinking water sources, proper sanitary management, and stable housing,” said U.S. Senator Durbin. “With this substantial federal Community Development Block Grant, we are one step closer to delivering on that promise.”

State-administered CDBG funds must be utilized in areas that do not receive their own funds directly from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), with the majority of funds benefitting smaller communities and rural areas.

Local governments are receiving grants between $425,000 and $1.5 million with an average grant size of $1 million. Preference was given to projects located in underserved areas, opportunity zones and those which proposed a non-state matching component to drive the maximum investment to the area. When matched with other local funds, the grants will generate repairs valued over $55.1 million.

DCEO is awarding $8.4 million in assistance for 13 communities to invest in 135 housing improvement projects. Housing rehabilitation grants are designed to assist low-to-moderate income homeowners with improvements to ensure safe and sanitary living conditions. Eligible uses of funds include structural work, electrical, plumbing, new appliances, flooring, ADA, and accessibility accommodations, and more. Awards for local governments range from $637,000 to $650,000, with up to $60,000 available for each home.

More information is available here.


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