New Landmarks Illinois database highlights more than 100 women who built Illinois


Landmarks Illinois says it has published an online database, Women Who Built Illinois, which includes information on more than 100 female architects, engineers, developers, designers, builders, landscape architects, interior designers and clients and their projects between 1879 and 1979.

The organization says “the first-of-its-kind database is the result of an in-depth survey of women in architecture, real estate and design-related fields that Landmarks Illinois publicly launched in 2020 — a year that marked the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment, upholding a U.S. citizen’s right to vote regardless of sex.”

“The database calls attention to the women who helped to create places that today are cherished by communities and property owners across Illinois, yet many remain unprotected without local landmark status or lack National Register designation that would provide opportunities for important financial preservation incentives,” Landmarks Illinois says in its Aug. 18 statement.

“This new database recognizes those who laid the path for women today and who continue to impact the built environment of Illinois and Chicago,” said Lisa DiChiera, Landmarks Illinois Director of Advocacy, who spearheaded the project. “We hope students and professionals in architecture, planning and public history will be inspired to study these women, their careers and built works.”

The new database can be found on the Landmarks Illinois website at

Women in the database

Among the more than 100 people in the Women Who Built Illinois database are:

  • Georgia Louise Harris Brown, the second African American woman to become a licensed architect and engineer in the United States and who did structural calculations for many projects and important firms, including Mies van der Rohe’s Promontory Apartments in Chicago.
  • Marion Mahony Griffin, an important member of Frank Lloyd Wright’s office for more than a decade and a prominent Prairie School architect who designed the Robert Mueller and Adolph Mueller houses in Decatur.
  • Gertrude Lempp Kerbis, an architect who opened her own firm, Lempp Kerbis, in 1967 following experience studying with architect Mies van der Rohe and working at many high profile architecture firms in Chicago, including C.F. Murphy Associates and Skidmore Owings & Merrill. Kerbis designed the 1962 O’Hare Airport Rotunda, which Landmarks Illinois included on its 2017 Most Endangered Historic Places in Illinois due to its uncertain future amid O’Hare terminal expansion.
  • Greta Lederer, a suburban home builder who in the 1950s developed the neighborhoods of Strawberry Hill, Westwood Acres and Skokie Ridge in Glencoe and additional homes in Highland Park and Northbrook. A 1957 Chicago Daily Tribune article attributed to her $10 million worth of home development on the North Shore.

Retired architect Margaret Zirkel Young, who is also included in the Women Who Built Illinois database, said she hopes the project will inspire and motivate more women to enter the architecture profession. Zirkel Young was project architect at Ezra Gordon-Jack M. Levin & Associates for the firm’s 1970s design commissions of Chicago’s Newberry Plaza, River Plaza and the East Bank Club, to name a few.

“I never questioned being in a room with all men and no women,” said Zirkel Young of her career. “I knew from the time of my first drafting class at Senn High School I wanted to be an architect. A favorite Goethe quote I would return to throughout my career was, ‘Boldness has genius.’”

Landmarks Illinois encourages local historic preservation commissions and municipal planning departments to evaluate and prioritize places identified in the Women Who Built Illinois survey for local landmark and/or National Register designations. Landmarks Illinois also welcomes additional research on women in the survey for whom more information is needed. Please send information on existing women in the database and/or of additional women in these fields who were active in Illinois prior to 1979 to

“I am so impressed by this pursuit to research and document the women who are so important to the history of our state and our built world,” said Kim Kerbis, project donor and daughter of late architect Gertrude Lempp Kerbis. “Some of these inspiring women are known, many are unknown, but all are underappreciated, under recognized and undervalued. The work Landmarks Illinois and its team of researchers and historians are doing is fascinating and long overdue.”


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